War thunder vs world of tanks
War thunder vs world of tanks

war thunder vs world of tanks

As tanks come with limited mobility in WT, you will have to be very careful in positioning. When thinking about tank fights, most people think you will try to strike from a distance to take down an enemy tank. The aiming system differences are fascinating and indicate the vast differences in playstyle between the two tank battle games. Read also: The Best Tanks in World of Tanks. So, in a sense, they are both great tank games for what they are. With the notable distinction that War Thunder and World of Tanks utilize the same style of warfare, of course. Read also: 4K Video Downloader Review 2022: YouTube on Your Computer In a way, World of Tanks is more like League of Legends, while War Thunder is more like Rainbow Six: Siege. I will try to make an analogy with two other competitive games here. To destroy a tank, you have to reduce its HP to zero. On the other hand, World of Tanks follows a more straightforward HP reduction system. To immobilize a tank in War Thunder, you have to take down its crew or critical mechanical components.

war thunder vs world of tanks

The damage model is another area where the two games differ, and War Thunder takes a more realistic avenue. On the other hand, World of Tanks provides a more fast-paced experience. At the same time, this decision is one of the reasons War Thunder has more strategic depth. So you may find yourself moving around the map like a slug while being exposed to aerial attacks. In its effort to provide a realistic depiction of vehicular warfare, War Thunder has to keep tanks closer to their “real” speed. At times this can be overwhelming for tank players as the maps in WT are designed with airplanes in mind. To give you a clearer idea of this difference, tanks in War Thunder move much slower than in World of Tanks.

War thunder vs world of tanks